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How to build a successful house extension…
Are you happy with where you live but would like that bit more space?
Extending your home is the way forward! Every home is unique to the people who live in them so here are some tips on how to successfully extend your home.
10 – Get all approvals first
This is where the experts come in…depending on the size, shape and scale of your new extension, you may need to apply for planning permission. Each local council is different there is no straightforward rule of thumb for designing extensions which can only mean one thing; find a designer who is willing to go the extra mile and push the boundaries! Even if your extension does not need Planning Permission it will need Building Regulations Approval which is there to enforce construction standards across the UK. Building regulations safeguard designs by making sure the buildings are built correctly and inspections take place along the way.
9 – Talk to your neighbours
Get your neighbours on side! Sometimes it’s your neighbours that can make or break a planning application in the eyes of the council as an objection to your proposal is never an easy hurdle to overcome. A simple chat with them can go a long way so show them what you’re planning and explain the design and give reasons why this is your dream. It will definitely help them understand your proposal more and then hopefully there will be limited or no objections.
8 – Set a budget
This might sound a simple step towards making your dream reality but it’s common to overspend on even the smallest projects. The general rule is to allow for £1,500-£2,500 per square meter and then allow an extra 10-20 percent contingency fund.
Also bear in mind that not only do you have the build budget, there will be the designer’s and consultants fees, government VAT and also local authorities fees for the applications too. So, be realistic with your budget.
7- What is the purpose of the extension?
A question most people think they know the answer too, however there tend to be more answers to this question than space and budget will allow so compromise is generally required or a really good designer who will work hard with you to achieve your dream extension!
6 – Consider the location and setting
Where your home is situated is paramount to the design of your extension. The best extensions out there are those sympathetic to their surroundings or across the spectrum those which contrast their surroundings. From a rural village to a city suburb no one extension is the same so why not use your surroundings as an opportunity to push the boundaries of construction technologies and compliment or contrast your innovative designs.
5 – Research different materials
Material choice is crucial to the design of extensions as it is the material finishes that bring the structure to life. Whether you want your extension to stand out from the crowd or be a subtle improvement, there are many options to choose between with many manufacturers and suppliers of the same product all who offer different services, so be sure to do your homework before entering the minefield!
4 – Think outside the box
An extension can be upwards into the loft, outwards as an addition or downwards to a basement therefore no extension is the same so make yours stand out from the crowd and give it the wow factor!
3 – Landscaping
This, you may ask why it is in the top ten…but…a great architecture designer will take into consideration the surroundings and incorporate it into the proposal because after all, we all love the outdoors! Architecture is complimented by nature so if you have a view use it, if not create one in your outdoor space.
2 – Choose the right builder
Choosing the right builder is crucial to constructing your dream as with the wrong one your dream will very quickly become a nightmare! So make sure you research builders long and hard, visit previous projects they have done, carry out numerous chats with them (as let’s face you have to be able to work with them!) and take a look on websites for reviews.
1 – Finding the right Designer or Consultant!!
This is the most important part of all. If you want to standout from the crowd and have the best extension on your street, choose a designer with a mountain of experience in residential architecture. To get the most out of your experience with the designer you must be open and honest because your dreams will be made reality in the hands of their inter pretations from your brief. Extending your home can be immensely rewarding and can make a big difference to your lifestyle and with a little insight and some useful advice you will soon be well on your way to living the dream!
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Here at GWM Construction, we constantly research new products within the industry as well as new ideas and design options and often offer these to our customers to give their project not only the most up-to-date technology but also the ‘Wow Factor’ that they’re looking for.
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